You can get in contact with me by writing to: House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. Alternatively you can email me at: or call 020 7219 2668. Please see details of my privacy policy here. You can also keep up to date with my activities by following my Twitter and  Facebook.

For casework enquiries please initially check if you live in Lewisham West & East Dulwich since parliamentary protocol dictates that MP’s can only deal with enquiries on behalf of their own constituents. Click here to check if I am your MP. Please also make sure to include your name, address (including full postcode), contact number and any relevant reference numbers relating to your enquiry.

There are some issues which fall under the control of Local Government rather than Parliament, and your local ward Councillors are likely to be best placed to assist you in matters not directly in my remit. These include matters such as street cleaning, refuse collection, street lighting, pavements, trees, noise complaints, local planning and parking, you may find that your elected local ward councillor will be best placed to assist you in the first instance, you can find your local councillor here if you live in Lewisham and here if you live in Southwark.


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